Membership & Loyalty

Build recurring revenue and lasting relationships

Transform your business with membership, package, loyalty and referral programs designed for the pet care industry, to create predictable revenue, increase retention, and maximize customer lifetime value.

Boost revenue

by turning regular customers into committed members

Reduce no-shows

of 12-month retention, from 66% to 81% on average

Faster and easier

revenue by seamless add-ons and upgrades, increased price per visit by 119%

Predictable income with subscription-based memberships

Turn one-time customers into loyal, recurring clients with subscription-based memberships.

Recurring billing, auto redeem

Customizable membership perks

Self-serve enrollment

Boost revenue with bundles, add-ons, and upgrades

Drive higher price per visit by seamlessly integrating add-ons, bundle packages, and premium upgrades into self-serve touchpoint.

Bundle packages

Mandatory add-ons

Service level cross-sell

Get accurate reports and tracking with zero effort

Membership and package reporting doesnā€™t have to be complicated. With detailed, automated reporting tailored to your needs, you can make data-driven decisions with confidence.

Cash based reporting

Accrual based reporting

Member vs. non member insights

What's not to love? As a small business, MoeGo provides invaluable assistance in tracking my appointments and charges, along with its mapping feature and the ability to set specific areas for certain days.

Allison P.

Business onwer

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Discover how our solutions can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Our expert team will guide you through a customized demonstration, highlighting features that are most relevant to your business goals.

Trusted by 10000+ professionals
